Recent Research Findings
Front. Pain Res., 23 February 2023 Sec. Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Pain Volume 4 - 2023
Yoga and pain: A mind-body complex system
International Journal of General Medicine Volume 14, 2021 - Issue
Global Correlations Between Chronic Inflammation and Violent Incidents: Potential Behavioral Consequences of Inflammatory Illnesses Across Socio-Demographic Levels
J Inflamm Res. 2021; 14: 4859–4876. Published online 2021 Sep 22.
Implications for Systemic Approaches to COVID-19: Effect Sizes of Remdesivir, Tocilizumab, Melatonin, Vitamin D3, and Meditation
The Chopra Foundation Focus
Research & Education
The Chopra Foundation is dedicated to conducting scientific research that examines the effects of mind-body practices on health and wellbeing.
Humanitarian Efforts
Youth mentorships, food for education, community empowerment, and feeding the hungry.
Be, Love, In Joy, Support, Success.
The Chopra Foundation Piwi Metrics
- Attention: Authentic attention… research shows that deep listening with body, heart, and mind to another person heals.
- Appreciation: Everyone is unique and deserves authentic appreciation for the beautiful expression they offer in life.
- Affection: Caring, love, empathy, and compassion – let people know you support them.
- Acceptance: Don’t try to change people. We all need acceptance from others and ourselves.