I’m a little uncertain and i was wondering if you could help me out with something. I’ve endured a lot of psychological & emotional trauma as a kid and have also ended up creating a variety of different physical health issues as well…things from urinary issues, to chronic fatigue, to depression and constant anxiety and I believe a lot of this comes from the way I have thought over the years.
Over the last 5 years I have gotten myself into self-help, cognitive behavioral therapy and personal growth programs, I seem to be guided by an unseen force into things that may make me overcome my health issues. The only problem is that after awhile i start to doubt whatever it is that I’m doing and I don’t see the benefits in continuing. I want to feel healthy, I want to feel alive and passionate as well, so I guess my question is, do you have any advice when it comes to keeping myself certain that if i follow the path i’m on, I’ll achieve my goal of being healthy?