I am a Indian girl and in my mid 20’s and I am also a Hindu. Being Indian yourself I would think you can understand that at this age many Indian parents expect their children to start looking for marriage partners. I actually have two question here. Before learning about the Secret or the Law of attraction I believed that God knew what was best for me and that my life was in their hands including the person who I am to marry. Even though arranged marriages are common with Indian people it something I have never been fond of and even believed that I myself would not experience it. Knowing about the Law of attraction has helped me immensely and got me to really be clear about the kind of person I would like to have and as the Universe is send to never give you less than what you ask for it is a relief. Since the Law of attraction has been in my life I have felt separate from Hinduism and sometimes don’t really believe in it because of the way the people in my life have taught me it. So I am kind of on my own journey of understanding religion, God, Universe, my purpose etc however my parents are still going to Priests and reading my astrology/palm and all these hocus pocus things. What is your take on astrology and Hinduism? Perhaps pre Law of attraction I believed in all this going to a priest to find if a guy is a marriage match but if my belief has changed does this mean it no longer works despite my parents making me take part?