I wish to ask for your opinion on a matter which has arisen for me. I recently changed paths from being a business manager, after an event during a near death experience reminded me what I came here for. I now find myself owning several natural healthcare clinics, which I am using to fund free natural healthcare for anyone in need, as well as free yoga, meditation and massage in the low income communities. I have also received guidance to start a sanctuary for those who are grieving or needing intense healing.
All this has happened very quickly, and everything has been handed to me (or manifested by me 😉 on a silver platter to make it happen. I know there is much more still to come. I now live in an ashram community with many spiritual people. Many of my peers see my businesses as being successful and feel that I am taking away from them, as most of them are sole practitioners within the healing profession. I have been accused of making money off the sweat of others (as I employ therapists) and told that this is not the ‘spiritual’ way. I have not, and do not feel I should publicise the fact that every dollar of the profit is channeled into free healthcare. It should not make a difference in how people see me or how they treat me or my clinics. I feel quite misunderstood by some people, and I sense that others (who do know what i am delivering) are intimidated by me or even scared of me. I am only a 30 year old female, not intimidating at all. My ex-partner, who studied yoga lifestyle for years and is an instructor, left me because he could not cope with the fact that I give wealth away via running the free clinics and classes. What I am doing brought up many issues and challenges for him, and ultimately he could not cope with it. I thought there would be a little more camaraderie or support from the ‘spiritual’ community. I guess I feel very isolated. I know I can’t give it all up just to fit in and be understood, but it seems to be a very sad and lonely path to have chosen.
How do I cope with this, or understand that it just doesn’t matter at all?