The Conscious Lifestyle: The Soul of Leadership

In almost every situation someone is called upon to lead. Taking up the call involves a conscious choice, and yet for many leaders, even those who are very experienced, not much consciousness is applied. If you ask a roomful of CEOs how they got where they are today -I’ve done this dozens of times when teaching a course on leadership for business people – the top answer is always “I was lucky.” Looking back, CEOs and other top executives mainly recognize that they wound up in the right place at the right time.
The Soul of Leadership


AskDeepak: Love and Relationships

Join Deepak on a journey of personal, social, global and spiritual transformation and ease your mind and soul. Addressed within are reflections, thoughts, and inspirations on big questions about love and relationships.

The ASK DEEPAK e-book series was created to encourage people to live healthier, fuller lives and to be more aware. Deepak Chopra delivers this inspiring project for personal and global transformation. Learn about spirituality, wellness, healthy living, humor, as they relate to love and relationships, and much more.

ASK DEEPAK ABOUT LOVE  is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Who is Shankara?

Deepak Chopra explains the philosophies and contributions of Adi Shankara, the great Indian Philosopher. Shankara is featured in Deepak’s newest book – “God: A Story of Revelation.

Deepak breaks down various conceptions of consciousness and shows how Shankara contributed to our understanding.