Health Tip? Coffee: Is it a miracle drug?

Contributed by Sanjiv Chopra, MD, MACP and Frank J. Domino, M.D.


Is there a commonly consumed beverage that decreases the risk of developing a number of common cancers?

Americans consume 400 million cups of this beverage.  Worldwide more than 2.25 cups are consumed daily.

If you guessed the beverage is Coffee you are absolutely right! (more…)

Wireless Sensors Used to Study Meditation’s Effect on Heart Health

STSI teams with Chopra Foundation, Chopra Center in innovative research

Meditation study 600 x 375

Can meditation improve heart health by lowering blood pressure? Does it help relieve chronic pain? Should doctors prescribe meditation to some patients just as they do with pharmaceutical drugs?

Using leading-edge wireless technology that can track vital signs like never before, researchers with the Scripps Translational Science Institute have teamed with renowned physician Deepak Chopra to shed light on some of the mystery that still surrounds this ancient practice. Read the news release for more information. (more…)

What Would God Think of the God Particle?- Part 1

By Deepak Chopra, M.D., FACP and Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor in Computational Physics, Chapman University

(Published by The San Francisco Chronicle)

The award of the Nobel Prize in physics generally creates a mental blur for most people, since no one can comprehend the current state of physics without training in advanced mathematics.  This year was somewhat different, thanks to a nickname.



Paul Scialla, board member of The Chopra Foundation and Founder of De Los, is acknowledged by former President William Clinton for his organization’s great works at CGI.
