Deepak Chopra, Fran Drescher and 50 Cent. While a top doctor, The Nanny and a celebrity rapper may seem like an unlikely combination of personalities, at Thursday night’s Love In Action event, these three recognizable figures worked in perfect tandem, opening up a dialogue about health, education and activism.
The event was held at Deepak HomeBase, an intimate salon-style room housed in the ABC Carpet & Home store. The setting created an instant feeling of comfort for all attending, as guests sat on plush couches, beautifully-crafted wire chairs — and even a few meditation cushions. This “family room feeling” seems to be what Deepak Chopra and ABC Carpet & Home CEO, Paulette Cole, were aiming for when they created Deepak HomeBase, described as: “both a physical and a virtual salon; a vital, living, interactive, experiential platform; a multi-media expanded classroom and a curated conversation.” (more…)