Deepak discusses the reversal of aging on his Deepak Chopra Global on You Tube
Weekly Health Tip: Get Aerobic & Anaerobic Exercise
How to Start Listening to Your Body
This may be hard to believe, but as a doctor I’ve seen many patients with beautiful, young, so-called perfect bodies who never listen to them. They are too worried to know what their bodies are actually saying. They are too wrapped up in body image, and the whole scam about being perfect. Ironically, their bodies are all in their heads. Your body and mind are meant to be a whole, and to ensure that they are, your whole existence is based on feedback loops. Body listens to mind; mind listens to body. Awareness is the link. Make no mistake: Every cell knows when you are unhappy, anxious or stressed. A cell’s awareness is expressed in chemical reactions instead of words. No matter. The message comes through loud and clear. Published in
San Francisco Chronicle: Is this about health care or spiritual care?
By the time this post appears, the Senate will probably have agreed on some kind of health care bill. I wanted to assess the hidden side of the bill, whatever emerges. It took five months for Congress to grind its way to a conclusion on this issue, and along the way we got to see an ugly side of the democratic process. (more…)
Your Energy is Infinite and This is Why
Instead of getting your energy from food, work or other people, spiritual author Deepak Chopra suggests finding infinite energy from the spirit that lives within you.
Where do you get your energy? Until you know the answer, your sources of energy will be limited. Food can only supply so many calories, and quite often, if those calories come from fat or sugar, there is actually a falling off or dulling of energy. If your energy comes from being with people, you won’t be energized when you are alone. If your energy comes from working, it will last much longer and be more renewable but eventually bring fatigue. Read