The Chopra Foundation supports Project Why’s Adopt a Teacher Program

In addition to our longstanding support of Project Why, The Chopra Foundation is proud to extend that support to Project Why’s new Adopt a Teacher Campaign that is designed to Empower Teachers to Educate future generations and curb dropouts.

Project Why Adopt a Teacher Program

Project WHY’s Adopt-a-Teacher Campaign ensures that every child, no matter what their background, gets a good education by having access to a good teacher. 

They have 45 teachers across 5 educational centers in Delhi. By adopting a teacher, you enable a good teacher to reach out to 50 underprivileged children who need educational support to complete their schooling years. Without good teachers, this is not possible. You can help support this initiative by adopting one of our teachers for as little as INR 10,000 rupees a month (USD 145 or euros 130). 

Please Note: INR 10,000 a month is the average cost of a teacher at Project WHY. If the teacher you choose whose salary is below INR 10,000 a month, the remaining amount will be utilized for purchasing learning aids for their class. If the salary of the teacher is over INR 10,000, the organization will pay for the difference. 

More information about the Chopra Foundation’s support of Project Why can be found here.

Please find all the teacher’s stories from Project Why here.


2020 Wellbeing Predictions with Deepak Chopra

“The future of wellbeing is bioregulation and homeostasis through self-regulation.”‘ – Deepak Chopra

Deepak recently participated in Virgin Pulse’s 2020 Vision: Wellbeing Industry Predictions where leading experts in health and wellbeing, HR and business share insights on emerging trends that will impact your employee experience in 2020 and beyond. You can explore the predictions in detail and get related resources to turn your vision into action, or download a complete eBook of the 2020 predictions at Virgin Pulse Website.

Deepaks predictions along with additional wellness resources for the new year can be found here.