The 13th Disciple: A Spiritual Adventure

13th-Disciple-hc-1-198x300Take a sneak preview of Deepak Chopra’s new book, The 13th Disciple: A Spiritual Adventure – read an excerpt, access a free online course – Discovering Ayurveda and enjoy a guided meditation from the Energy of Attraction.  Visit: The 13th Disciple and complete the Access Your Bonus Gifts form.

We support Brothers Andrew and Daniel Aged – SAS#13

Let’s join together and support art and culture, Brothers Andrew and Daniel Aged – SAS#13.  This is their world premiere.

tearsdrop artBiography
A Teardrop From Below,the beginning of the next chapter Brothers Andrew & Daniel Aged of inc. share a new song, the fruits of reflection inwards and patience. The time and space to connect and grow as people, and musicians. Taken from a live recording session this Summer, where the foundation for new Music was laid, “A Teardrop” emerged like a drop of dew on a morning leaf.

With new music on hand, A+D took off on their own journeys, continuing to develop the Music. Andrew, in new home of Hawaii, adding guitar, vocals.Daniel, traveling around the world, adding production and mixing Teardrop. The song features the live band, Sam Gendel on keyboards, and the Drums of Kevin Yokota.


Today, you can listen and let go A Teardrop From Below Hanging over me to see The hole in sky in the sky The hole over me.

*Special thanks Red Bull Studios LA.

God Is the New Physics

By Deepak Chopra, MD


When spirituality and physics started to be linked, many scientists called it the use of metaphor. It couldn’t literally be true that there was a Tao of Physics that linked quantum mechanics to ancient Chinese philosophy. At best there might be a weak link–God and the new physics–the way one might say God and DNA. With a little imagination, the two could be joined, but there was no possibility that God could intrude into hard science. There might be a gene for faith (so the speculation went), yet physics is couched almost purely in the language of mathematics, and no matter how you cut it, God isn’t numbers.
