Happiness for the Holidays? Try an Experiment

By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP


The holidays, officially a time of good cheer, have become instead a byword for stress, overeating, running up bills, and enduring one’s relatives. This falls in line with the last two posts on happiness and our dubious relationship to it. It’s hard to find to define a greater goal in life than lasting happiness, yet modern psychology, with its notions about happiness being incidental and unpredictable, discourages us form believing in lasting happiness.

Dead bird with flies

What’s the solution? Let me suggest returning to a simple but profound idea that has endured in every spiritual tradition. Unhappiness means that you are not being yourself. When you are being yourself, happiness is permanent because the “true self” is by nature at peace, blissful, and undisturbed by the ups and downs of daily life. (more…)

Health Tip? Coffee: Is it a miracle drug?

Contributed by Sanjiv Chopra, MD, MACP and Frank J. Domino, M.D.


Is there a commonly consumed beverage that decreases the risk of developing a number of common cancers?

Americans consume 400 million cups of this beverage.  Worldwide more than 2.25 cups are consumed daily.

If you guessed the beverage is Coffee you are absolutely right! (more…)

Who Is Right About Happiness?

By Deepak Chopra

We know very little about what it takes to be happy, and a lot of what we know is wrong. This seems to be the conclusion of some voices in the movement known as positive psychology. It’s a relatively new field set against the traditional focus of psychology, which has delved into neurosis, psychosis, and mental illness generally. Positive psychology studies normality and tries to improve it. Is happiness normal? That depends on who you ask.
