Deepak Chopra and Richard Dawkins will debate at CDI La Ciudad de las Idea 2013. Pre register.
Upfront with Deepak
Deepak invites you to join him at UpFront as he travels the world hoping to create a critical mass for a peaceful just, sustainable and healthy world.
Arianna Huffington Discusses Social Media with Deepak Chopra at Science and Consciousness Symposium
This weekend, a host of remarkable women and men will meet in Carlsbad, California to explore how to create a more peaceful, just, and sustainable society through a variety of means, including social media and technology.
Deepak Chopra and friends invite the global community on a fantastic journey into the intersection of science and spirituality at its fourth annual Sages and Scientist Symposium, August 16–18, 2013, in Carlsbad, California.
Moderated by Deepak Chopra, the event brings together distinguished experts in science, business, healthcare, and humanity on an exploration into the intersection of science and spirituality. Presenters address humanity’s progress and difficulties in achieving a more peaceful, just, and sustainable society. The three-day forum concludes with an examination of potential solutions.
This year’s Sages and Scientists Symposium pays tribute to the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement. It is also packed with presentations from some of the most remarkable women of our time. They include media mogul Arianna Huffington, civil rights icon Diane Nash, and Haile Thomas, a 12-year-old who is helping other young people fight childhood obesity by teaching them how to eat healthier.
The Chopra Foundation is proud and grateful to welcome the following female presenters to this year’s symposium: (more…)
Be UpFront with Deepak
Would you like an upfront moment with Deepak and discover some things that are new and exciting? Receive a daily good morning and evening texts, be a part of this travels by video and photography, hear some of his latest poetry and favorite music and so much more. Join him at Upfront.
Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny and the American Dream
In “Brotherhood,” a new memoir by brothers Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra, the brothers reveal the story of their personal struggles and triumphs as doctors, immigrants, and brothers.
Brotherhood available now