The Dr. Oz Show: Meditation Techniques

Deepak Chopra defines meditation, performs a healing meditation and demonstrates the law of attraction and meditation. Rediscover the purpose of meditation and get tips from one of the world’s most respected authors and spiritual guides. on The Dr. Oz Show.

Can “Evil” Corporations Become Conscious Corporations?

A while back there was an op-ed piece in the New York Times titled “Will Big Business Save the Earth?” A startling question given that corporations are firmly entrenched as evildoers in the public mind, with an environmental record as black as an oil spill and as toxic as the waste dumps in Bopal. Yet the author, noted professor and counter-thinker Jared Diamond, comes up with a more nuanced view: “…while some businesses are indeed as destructive as many suspect, others are among the world’s strongest positive forces for environmental sustainability.” (more…)

Why it’s better to have a mind than a brain (part 2)

Last week I proposed that we need to look to the mind instead of the brain as the answer to many things. One example was depression. In the wake of new research showing that antidepressants don’t work, and that the brains of depressed patients don’t seem genetically different from those of undepressed people, we have an opening to look at the mind with fresh eyes.