Which will be more important in shaping your future, science or spirituality? For any number of people this sounds like an empty question. Science has shaped our age; religion is a declining force in the West, as it has been for decades. A clock could be placed behind every pulpit ticking off the thousands of people who leave organized faith behind every hour of the day. But there is a growing movement that is repairing the rift between science and religion. It has nothing to do with the noisy band of atheists who continue to foment discord between faith and reason. Rather, science has reached a point where certain basic mysteries cannot be solved without resorting to the one thing that spirituality has always specialized in: consciousness. (more…)
How Men Can Be Wise About Women (Part 2)
Everyone would agree that the relationship between men and women is all-important, not just in daily life but to the well-being of a society. In my first post I raised the troubling wedge that is being driven between the two sexes. My focus was on scientific fads — almost totally unsupported by experimental data — for assigning gender differences to genes and brain activity. On the technical side we are led to believe that behavior is determined by automatic processes, largely unconscious, that make us who we are. This kind of determinism is very bad thinking. It robs us of free choice, but just as importantly, it leads to the belief that men are very different from women, with some kind of deterministic mechanism as the cause.
How Men Can Be Wise About Women
As a sign, perhaps, that society does move forward, nobody uses the phrase “the war between the sexes” anymore. Instead, we are flooded with scientific data about why men and women think and behave differently. Much credibility is given to this kind of research. The results are couched in cool, objective language. Yet if you look beneath the surface, I’m afraid that sexual politics is undermining the cause of women. Much of this research is dubious at best, and its premise tends to reinforce two bogus notions. 1. The two sexes are naturally unequal. 2. The reason for inequality is rooted in biology and evolution.
CNN: My Take: Science and Spirituality Should Be Friends
Editor’s Note: Deepak Chopra is founder of the Chopra Foundation and a senior scientist at the Gallup Organization. He has authored over 60 books, including The Soul of Leadership, which The Wall Street Journal called one of five best business books about careers.
By Deepak Chopra, Special to CNN
For most people, science deserves its reputation for being opposed to religion.
I’m not thinking of the rather noisy campaign by a handful of die-hard atheists to demote and ridicule faith. Continue Reading: CNN: My Take: Science and Spirituality Should be Friends
Courtesy of CNN
Sages and Scientists 2011 with Deepak Chopra
Courtesy of Alison Levy
If anyone wants to understand what my Dad’s true passion is, this is it,” Gotham Chopra, the film maker and author son of Deepak Chopra, told the crowd of several hundred people gathered at the Sages and Scientists Symposium in Carlsbad, California, last weekend. The Chopra Foundation hosted the annual event, now in its second year.