The “Occupy” Movement: Turning Anger Into Awareness

If you haven’t found yourself caught up in the Occupy movement yet, the best place is in the thick of the action. I went down to Wall Street one night to see for myself. Like many people, if not all, the outcome of the financial crash still rankled. No one can watch the TV coverage of the Occupy America sit-ins and marches without sharing in some kind of frustration and anger. (more…)

Deepak Chopra Leads Meditation at Occupy Wall Street

He led a two minute meditation with the General Assembly, a nightly meeting where the occupiers give updates on the protest, share plans and debate ideas. To allow everyone to hear the speaker without the use of bullhorns or electronic equipment (which are not allowed in the park), the occupiers repeat what the speaker says so that everyone else can hear. They call this the “people’s mic.”