Obama’s Invisible Victories

From the left we are so used to disappointment that we almost need it, but let’s not indulge in sheer masochism.  Politics isn’t always about the bottom line, and for me, President Obama’s invisible victories are immensely heartening.  He  has cleansed the Presidency, reinstated America’s status in the world, championed ideals on every front, and spoken truth to power, whether that means calling both the Israelis and Muslims to account or facing down racism in this country.


Washington Post On Faith: Can Dying Be a Peak Experience?

Does end-of-life care prolong life or does it prolong suffering? Should it be a part of health-care reform?

As a humane gesture, comforting people at the end of their lives is valuable and has been part of the hospice movement, not to mention pastoral care, for a long time. As anyone who has spent time with the dying knows, it’s the family who is most distraught; the person who is actually nearing the end has generally come to terms with his situation and found some measure of peace.


Real Health Reform: Talk to Your Genes

The best thing that could come out of the debate on health care reform won’t be the passage of a bill in Congress. It will be a shift in personal attitudes. Health care happens one person at a time. So let me speak personally to you. If you want the best possible health for yourself, the most important thing you can do today is talk to your genes. Read more: Larry King Blog