Nature’s Identity Crisis and Ours

By Zach Bush MD, Paul J. Mills, PhD, Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD, Michelle A. Williams, ScD
and Deepak Chopra™ MD

As our nation dives into sorrow and outrage over another merciless killing of a black man without cause, we must take the opportunity to transform a deep mindset. To achieve this, we will have to collectively shake off deep patterns of subconscious and conscious beliefs and experiences. The frequency of these instances of wrongful deaths and centuries of racially motivated abuses throughout the world creates hopelessness in our minds. For all of the rhetoric and grandstanding of our politicians and special interest groups, we do not see fundamental change happening. This hopelessness breeds violence, resignation, isolation, paranoia, and of course more fear.

Whatever the current crises happen to be—right now it is COVID, racial injustice, police brutality, and street demonstrations—a familiar pattern has been nearly impossible to break. The crisis generates a public outcry, humanitarians face off against reactionaries, and once the worst of the crisis simmers down, things go back to normal. The great hope now, however, is that “normal” will finally be seen for its distorted abnormality.


In our view, this abnormality runs deeper than a pandemic or heart-rending injustice and inequality. A much-needed shift cannot take place until humankind passes through an identity crisis. How we see ourselves is presently through a distorted lens, and our illusions extend to the very basis of Nature herself. Human activity has despoiled Nature without conscience because humans, at our core, feel that this is our right as the planet’s superior life form. The contradiction here is that a truly superior life form would respect all of life, seeing the wonder and fragility of the miracle known as biodiversity.

Like many scientific terms, biodiversity sounds abstract and dry. To bring it home and give it vitality, one has to start with a simple fact: Each of us is as biodiverse as the entire planet. Our DNA was built from viral and bacterial DNA, and the constant communication between the genetic material of these micro-organisms keeps us dynamically alive, protected from disease and an intimate part of the chain of life everywhere.

Sadly, human activity has threatened biodiversity, and the stress we have placed on micro-organisms, even more perhaps than the extinction of species, is coming back to haunt us. The threat of COVID isn’t isolated or unique. Nature’s most powerful urge is to keep life diverse and flourishing from the fundamental level of fungi, viruses, and bacteria, whose DNA outnumbers ours by a factor measured in millions and billions, if not more. Only in the past 30 years has research into the microbiome (the total mass of micro-organisms) brought to light how crucial Nature’s balancing act actually is. Without the bacteria, viruses and fungus that inhabit our bodies, human life would not be possible. As Earth is a symbiotic collection of diverse species cohabitating to give our planet life, so are we, and as with Earth, balance is the key.



The recent science discoveries in the microbiome have been a mind-bending experience as this once unseen world has come alive under our microscopes, through genome sequencing and through advances in computational biology. The notion that human DNA is somehow superior and separate from the DNA of bananas, mice, a cold virus, or mushrooms has toppled. It is humbling to realize that we aren’t at the center of life on earth. We mingle with planetary DNA with every breath, and the jet stream regularly populates the local air with viruses spinning around the globe in a matter of days. The ecosystems around us and within our own bodies team with millions of species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites that vastly outnumber us and, humbling to realize, make us viable. We are at once a genetic speck in the vast thriving microcosmos of life, yet also in a position of critical responsibility to help maintain this extraordinary diversity.

The human gut microbiome, which is essential for digesting food, contains trillions of bacteria, outnumbering our human cells by more than 10 to 1, and this is not even considering the far more diverse kingdoms of fungi and protozoa within us. Beyond the confines of the gut, each internal organ, from the liver to the breast, kidneys, and even the brain, is now recognized to depend on unique ecosystems of microorganisms that keep our cells healthy. Over 90% of the work done by enzymes in the human body is done by the microbiome. The same non-human life force works with endocrine cells within the gut to produce over 90% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter necessary for our much-touted human brain to function.

Once you realize that you and the planet’s biodiversity are one, nothing less than a shift of identity follows. An adage from ancient India, “As is the greatest, so is the smallest,” has never been truer. Microbiome diversity is the foundation for health and longevity, while the destruction of this diversity is the beginning of chronic disease of every variety. The adage could be expanded to “As is the outside, so is the inside.” The global microbiome functions as a communication network that actually passes electrical information throughout the cellular matrix to coordinate everything life needs to thrive at the cellular level, not simply nutrition and reproduction but repair and adaptation to changing conditions.

Nature is managing its own identity crisis now. Nature’s fluent communication network cannot be produced by a single species, but it can be threatened by one. At the exact moment in history when our existence is being understood as one thread woven in the tapestry of life as a whole, we are tearing the fabric apart, and all life forms will suffer. To give one instance, every year over 4 billion pounds of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the most commonly used herbicides) is sprayed into our soil, water, air, and foods, sterilizing the microbiome and harming the creatures, including us, that the microbiome nourishes.

Life on earth is at risk for extinction because of our war against diversity. The scale of damage is too frightening to contemplate, much less measure. We must transform now. The victims of this war are standing right in front of us. The soil, wind, and water, the First Nations, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and the tide of refugees. The world’s dispossessed and disenfranchised depend on us to emerge from our false assumed identity of superiority over and separateness from the whole of life. Reconciliation can begin today. Train your mind and eye to seek out and cherish diversity in every element of your life.

Breathe and explore a new ecosystem this week. Create and listen to a more diverse community, both within your body and all around you. Plant a seed and a new relationship this week. Get curious and explore what is different from you, so that we can quickly discover what we all share. Life everywhere calls out to be saved. Life everywhere calls out to be loved.


DEEPAK CHOPRA™ MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of over 89 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His 90th book, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential, unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”
ZACH BUSH, MD is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to ecology, human health, and consciousness. Board certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice Care, his published biomedical research ranges from chemotherapy development to the role of the microbiome and agricultural toxins in human health and disease. He is founder and CEO of Seraphic Group, Inc., an IP development firm committed to developing root-cause solutions to bring balance to the biome of our planet. His non-profit, Farmer’s Footprint, is raising awareness of the synonymous nature of human and soil health, and working to create a roadmap to end chemical food production and ecologic destruction through the universal adoption of regenerative agriculture.
PAUL J. MILLS, PH.D. is Professor and Chief in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health and Director of the Center of Excellence for Research and Training in Integrative Health at the University of California, San Diego. He has expertise in Integrative Medicine and psychoneuroimmune processes in wellness and disease, with approximately 380 scientific manuscripts and book chapters on these topics.
RUDOLPH E. TANZI, PH.D. is the Vice-Chair of Neurology, Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit, Co-Director of the Henry and Allison McCance Center for Brain Health, and Co-Director of the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also serves as the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Tanzi discovered several Alzheimer’s disease genes, including all three early-onset familial Alzheimer’s genes, and serves as director of the Alzheimer’s Genome Project. He is also developing therapies for treating and preventing AD using human mini-brain organoid models of the disease, pioneered in his laboratory. Dr. Tanzi has published 600 papers, received numerous awards and was on the 2015 TIME100 Most Influential People in the World list. Dr. Tanzi is a New York Times bestselling author, who has co-authored “Decoding Darkness” and three bestsellers with Deepak Chopra: “Super Brain”, “Super Genes”, and “The Healing Self”.
MICHELLE A. WILLIAMS, SM ’88, ScD ’91, is Dean of the Faculty, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Angelopoulos Professor in Public Health and International Development, a joint faculty appointment at the Harvard Chan School and Harvard Kennedy School. She is an internationally renowned epidemiologist and public health scientist, an award-winning educator, and a widely recognized academic leader. Prior to becoming Dean, she was Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard Chan School and Program Leader of the Population Health and Health Disparities Research Programs at Harvard’s Clinical and Translational Sciences Center. Dean Williams previously had a distinguished career at the University of Washington School of Public Health. Her scientific work places special emphasis in the areas of reproductive, perinatal, pediatric, and molecular epidemiology. Dean Williams has published over 450 scientific articles. She was elected to the National Academy of Medicine in 2016. The Dean has a master’s in civil engineering from Tufts University and master’s and doctoral degrees in epidemiology from the Harvard Chan School.

How to Settle the Mind During a Crisis

By Deepak Chopra™, MD

At first only a few voices spoke of positive change after the COVID crisis ends, or at least becomes livable once again. Now one hears a chorus calling for change, much of it from younger people. The main message is about global cooperation and preparing better for the next pandemic. But I think people are pondering personal change, too. In the midst of widespread trepidation, what are the new goals that each of us might start pursuing right now?

The first goal should be a settled mind. Fear is persuasive and panic easily goes viral. At the best of times most people turn their backs on worrisome problems rather than dealing with them directly. But unless you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you can settle your mind and go beyond fear. The first steps to gaining mastery over fear are open to everyone, as follows.

  • Sit down and candidly talk about your level of anxiety. Assemble the adults in your family, and perhaps older teenagers.
  • Discuss your feelings in the context of getting past them.
  • Don’t dwell on anxious thoughts. When one arises, say to yourself, “This isn’t helping. Go away, I don’t need you.” Talking back to the voice in your head is actually effective.
  • Plan rationally for the situation you find yourself in. Problems can be divided into three categories: things you can fix, things you have to put up with, and things you should walk away from. Take each individual issue that faces you, and write down which category it falls into. Most people aggravate their worries through indecision. They vacillate between trying to fix something, putting up with it, and fantasizing about running away from it. Be clear in your reasoning, pick one strategy from the three, then stick to it.
  • Empathize with other people’s anxiety, but don’t make it a daily habit. Be helpful and reassuring. If this doesn’t work, you should tune out the most anxious complaints and focus on anything positive that emerges.
  • Be creative with your free time. Idle minds are fear’s playground.
  • Don’t obsess over the news. Limit your viewing time to short periods two or three times a day. This is a crisis unfolding in slow motion. You don’t have to keep up with it minute by minute.
  • Seek consoling and uplifting things to read and listen to.
  • Devote some time several times a day to sit quietly, close your eyes, and use deep, regular breathing to reach a settled state inside. If you are patient enough to practice regular meditation, do that.
  • Write down a vision of your future as you would like to live it after the crisis passes. Detail all the things you want to achieve and experience.
  • Foster hope in your immediate circle, but don’t make it up if you don’t actually feel hopeful.
  • Take time every day to do something that makes you smile and laugh.

As you can see, none of these things are mysterious. They are available to everyone, and if you seriously undertake it, the project of defeating fear is more than doable.

At a more inward level, you can also confront the misleading ideas that anxiety fosters, replacing them with positive ideas any time they recur. First, the false ideas that are typically born of fear:

  • If I worry, it shows I care.I have to worry because others around me don’t seem to.
  • By worrying I am fending off the worst things that might happen.
  • Sometimes the things I worry about come true, which justifies all the times they do not come true.
  • Worrying doesn’t hurt anybody, so why not worry?
  • The world is hard and life is difficult. It is only healthy to worry.
  • I know my worries make me feel bad, but that’s the price I am willing to pay.
  • A lot of people worry, so I am not alone. At the very least I get a lot of reinforcement on the news and in social media.
  • If I worry now, it’s a kind of insurance that will help me not be hurt in the future when bad stuff happens.
  • Worry shows my family that I love them.
  • If my anxiety touches others, they will want to help and take care of me without me having to ask.

Habitual worriers will recognize these familiar thoughts, and all of us entertain some of them in anxious times. But each thought is the product of fear. Clear, positive thoughts should be put in place of them, as follows:

  • Despite my worries, I am safe and cared for.
  • Any problem is best dealt with when it actually occurs.
  • Planning for a bad eventuality should be done once, take very little time, and then left alone.
  • If you have coped in the past, you can trust yourself to cope now and tomorrow.
  • Worrying is pointless as a way to solve anything. It blocks the part of the mind that actually solves problems.
  • If you feel bad from anxiety, your hurt is self-inflicted, and getting out of the hurt involves taking responsibility for your own reactions.
  • The people around you do not like you better because you worry about them. They find it a nuisance but do not want to oppose you, so they adapt and put up with it.
  • Worrying drives others away.
  • Worrying blocks a healthy sense of self because it is basically an expression of insecurity.
  • Anxiety doesn’t protect you from future hurt. It actually brings hurt into the here and now.
  • You are not your fears, but if you accept that you are, personal growth is blocked.

You might even find it helpful to take these two lists and discuss each item with people close to you. The project of overcoming fear knows no specific time and place. In normal times we should be gaining control over fear to the extent we can. Now, however, the need to settle the mind is more urgent than ever.




DEEPAK CHOPRA™ MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of over 89 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His 90th book, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential, unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”

Start your day with Daily Breath

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Welcome to Daily Breath, where we pause the hectic world around us, refocus ourselves and expand our minds. I invite you to join me for a few short minutes each day to explore impactful ideas and themes that directly relate to all of our lives. Together we will delve into topics such as happiness, gratitude, love, sex, the true self, physical well-being, death and more. This is a space to build mindfulness into your daily routine and to end your week peacefully with a complete 10-minute meditation every Friday. 
Join us by starting your day with Daily Breath:  AppleiTunes or Spotify.

In loving memory of Charity Sunshine Tillman Dick

Remembering Charity Tillman Dick, Sages and Scientists alumnus 2013.

Topic: Discourses from the Undead

A journey through the precipice of life and death


Speaker Bio: Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick is a soprano, composer and writer. She has performed extensively across Europe, Asia and the United States sharing the stage with noted artists and musicians including Jessye Norman, Eva Marton, Joshua Bell, Patti LaBelle, Condoleezza Rice, The Fray and Bono at venues including Lincoln Center in New York; The Kennedy Center in Washington, DC; Severance Hall in Cleveland, Ohio; The National Palace of the Arts in Budapest, Hungary; and Il Giardino Di Boboli in Florence, Italy. Some of her operatic roles include Gilda in Rigoletto, Violetta in La Traviatta, and Ophelia in Ophelia Forever. Charity’s performances have been broadcast internationally on CNN, CBS, PBS, and the BBC. After receiving a diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension in 2004, Charity served as the national spokesperson for the Pulmonary Hypertension Association where she testified before Congress, worked to raise awareness and expand federal research funding. Charity has since undergone two double lung transplants at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Charity is a contributor at FIVE and The Huffington Post, where she blogs about the issues she’s passionate about: life, music, health, religion and organ donation.