Description – In this installment of SAGES AND SCIENTISTS, Vandana Shiva discusses agriculture, biodiversity, sustainability, and the importance of making peace with the Earth. Shiva, a philosopher, activist, author, and eco feminist, is trained as a physicist, and is particularly interested in quantum mechanics and biotechnology. In Part 1 of her presentation, Shiva discusses her entry into the sciences, which eventually put her on a path of environmental activism. She emphasizes that we must not fall prey to a monocultural, mechanistic framework of thinking, which leads to the degradation of the planet.
Description – In this installment of SAGES AND SCIENTISTS, Vandana Shiva discusses agriculture, biodiversity, sustainability, and the importance of making peace with the Earth. Shiva, a philosopher, activist, author, and eco feminist, is trained as a physicist, and is particularly interested in quantum mechanics and biotechnology. In Part 2, Shiva discusses the environmental costs of industrial farming. She decries the violence affected by an agricultural system that declares war on the Earth through use of pesticides and genetic modification.
Description – In this installment of SAGES AND SCIENTISTS, Vandana Shiva discusses agriculture, biodiversity, sustainability, and the importance of making peace with the Earth. Shiva, a philosopher, activist, author, and eco feminist, is trained as a physicist, and is particularly interested in quantum mechanics and biotechnology. In Part 3, Shiva discusses the effect industrial agriculture has had on small farmers, who are increasingly committing suicides in rural areas. Industrial farming leads to increased use of