Active Research Studies – 2016 Activites
Education & Research
SBTI Findings Presented at National and International Meetings / Lectures
International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Las Vegas, NV, 2016 (Paul Mills presented with Kathy Wilson and Meredith Pung from UCSD)
Preventive Medicine Residents, UC San Diego, 2016 (Paul Mills presented)
Naval Medical Center San Diego, March 2016 (Paul Mills presented)
Sages and Scientists, Los Angeles, 2016 (Rudy Tanzi presented)
ISSSEEM, Kansas City, MO, 2016 (Paul Mills presented)
Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, October 2016 (Paul Mills presented)
Tibetan and Traditional Medicine Systems Conference, Lhasa Tibet, August 2016 (Paul Mills presented)
Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, San Diego, November 2016 (Paul Mills presented)
Active Research Studies/Activities
Grounding Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation, UCSD and The Earthing Institute. This study is funded in full by the Earthing Institute. The project included $50,000 in funding to the Chopra Foundation. The study is ongoing, should be completed by mid-2017. The project has also brought potential commercial opportunities to the Chopra Center and to Jiyo for marketing products.
fMRI Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation and UCSD. This is an approximate $15,000 pilot study to be funded by the Chopra Foundation and which is awaiting final UCSD IRB approval.
Deepak Chopra VR Meditation Experience Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation, Jiyo, Wevr and UCSD. The study was partially funded with $10,000 by Wevr. Initial findings indicate that the VR meditation experience reduces sympathetic nervous system activity. More data is being analyzed at this time.
Consciousness Intention Field Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation, UCSD and Stanford Professor William Tiller
NexGen Probiotics Project, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation, Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute and UCSD
Online Questionnaire Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation and UCSD (no external costs to the Foundation). We continue to implement the Questionnaire Study into all Chopra Center events, with the exception of Perfect Health and Teacher Trainings. We are currently in the process of changing IRB approval from BioMed IRB to UCSD IRB to be more cost effective. Also implemented was a variation of the Online Questionnaire study to Health Care Practitioners attending the Journey Into Healing course in hopes of collecting preliminary data for a future Physician burnout study/program in collaboration with UCSD.
Online Detox Study, a collaboration with the Chopra Foundation and UCSD
Make-a-Wish Foundation Gratitude Study, in collaboration with the Chopra Foundation and Jannah Hodges, UCSD, and Texas Children’s Hospital
Paul Mills participated in ongoing discussions with Jiyo and Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi designing research studies for the medical staff there.
Christine continues to work on pre- and pro-biotic research. Christine successfully fundraised to obtain monies to proceed with these Year 1 in vitro activities. Year 2 activities will focus on mouse studies to advance the work generated in Year 1. Year 2 activities require additional research funding support (see Christine’s separate report to the Foundation Board for complete summary of her activities).
Throughout 2016 Lizzy Weiss has been overseeing and coordinating numerous research projects the Chopra Foundation has been involved in. Additional efforts include staffing a Foundation table at events through which more attention can be attracted to the Foundation and its research activities. For 2017, plans to improve the table include having a Foundation video playing at events, have new Roll-Ups with easy to read take-aways for the general public from studies such as Gratitude, SBTI, Grounding, etc., having a sample binder of all published Chopra Foundation/ Deepak Chopra research papers for guests to flip through at the booth, and Onesheets describing and summarizing published studies, current/active studies, and future studies.