Publications – 2016
Education & Research
Research Publications
Christine Tara Peterson, Arthur M. Moseley, Joseph Lucas, Lisa St John Williams, Sheila Patel, Scott N. Peterson, Valencia Porter, Eric E. Schadt, Paul J. Mills, Rudolph E. Tanzi, P. Murali Doraiswamy and Deepak Chopra.
Identification of Altered Serum Metabolite Profiles Following an Panchakarma-based Ayurvedic Intervention in Healthy Subjects.
Scientific Reports, vol 6, 2016
Christine Tara Peterson, Joseph Lucas, Lisa St. John-Williams, J. Will Thompson, M. Arthur Moseley, Sheila Patel, Scott N. Peterson, Valencia Porter, Eric E. Schadt, Paul J. Mills, Rudolph E. Tanzi, P. Murali Doraiswamy & Deepak Chopra (August 2016)
Identification of Altered Metabolomic Profiles Following a Panchakarma-based Ayurvedic Intervention in Healthy Subjects: The Self-Directed Biological Transformation Initiative (SBTI)
E S Epel, E Puterman, J Lin, EH Blackburn, PY Lum, N D Beckmann, J Zhu, E Lee, A Gilbert, R A Rissman, R E Tanzi and E Schadt.
Meditation and vacation effects have an impact on disease-associated molecular phenotypes.
Translational Psychiatry, vol 6, 2016.
Riya Kanherkar, Susan Stair, Naina Bhatia-Dey, Paul J. Mills, Deepak Chopra and Antonei Benjamin Csoka.
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Integrative Medicine.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, in press.
David Muehsam, Susan Lutgendorf, Paul J. Mills, Badri Rickhi, Gaétan Chevalier, Namuun Bat, Deepak Chopra, Blake Gurfein.
The Embodied Mind: A Review on Functional Genomic and Neurological Correlates of Mind-Body Therapies.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, in press.
Non-Research Publications
Deepak Chopra and Paul Mills. Society of Consciousness Studies,
‘Research on Wellbeing and Consciousness at the Chopra Foundation, Where Science and Soul Coexist’, for the Society of Consciousness Studies’ newsletter.
Deepak Chopra and Paul Mills.
White Paper for DOD on topic of Complementary and Integrative Health Research Programs, to expand DOD funding for integrative medicine research.
Tiffany Barsotti, Paul Mills, and Deepak Chopra.
Article titled ‘From Survival to Grace: Using Archetypes in Your Personal Evolution’, SF Gate, December 2016.