Study Description

Education & Research


Online Questionnaire Study

Summary for Prospective Research Participants


Who is conducting the study, why you have been asked to participate, how you were selected, and what is the approximate number of participants in the study?

The Online Questionnaire research study is in partnership with The Chopra Foundation and biomedical scientists from The University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The study is being conducted so we can learn more about the psychosocial effects of the programs and courses offered at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing located at Omni La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, CA. We are looking for men and women, who are planning on taking a Chopra Center for Wellbeing program or course.

Why is this study being done?

It is becoming increasingly recognized that ancient practices for wellbeing, including meditation, yoga, and specific herbs, can improve health and promote longevity. We are looking to document such effects on psychosocial behavior by studying those participating in and practicing yoga, meditation and recommended lifestyle techniques in the varying courses offered at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.

What will happen to you in this study?

If you are interested in taking a Chopra Center for Wellbeing program or course, you will be asked if you wish to participate in an Online Questionnaire Study. You will be assigned to take a number of questionnaires at three different time points (prior to your program, last day of your program, and one month following your program). Placement in this study is dependent on the course in which you are participating. If you are eligible, the time commitment will be approximately 30-45 min per time point.

The Procedures to take part in the study will include:
    1. Electronic Consent Form: After reading this document, receiving a detailed overview of the study from our research coordinator (via e-mail, telephone, and/or in person) and asking the study coordinator any questions you may have, you may sign the electronic consent form by typing your name at the end of the form. The electronic consent form will be available to you via email from a study coordinator. Please send the signed consent form back to Poonacha Machaiah, Chopra Foundation CEO, to


    1. Questionnaires: After completing the electronic consent form, questionnaires will be available online for you to complete up to one month before you are scheduled to arrive at Omni La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, CA for your Chopra Center for Wellbeing program. To understand how participating in an intensive wellness program may affect wellbeing, we need a sense of what your daily life, mood, and health are like when they are in their natural environment (not a resort). These questionnaires will cover a range of questions about your mental and physical wellbeing, including depression, mood, stress levels, ways of dealing with feelings, energy level, and health behaviors. Please note the online survey will take less than one hour to complete. You will complete these questionnaires again at the end of the program week, in addition to one month post program.



Next Steps

Following these initial procedures, if you are eligible to participate in the Online Questionnaire Study, you will come to the Chopra Center for Wellbeing at Omni La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, CA (unless program is located elsewhere), and attend the program you have signed up for in addition to taking the first set of questionnaires prior to your arrival.

On the last day of your program, before you return home, you will take the same set of online questionnaires.

Approximately one month following your program, you will complete your last set of questionnaires.


How much time will each study procedure take, what is your total time commitment, and how long will the study last?

The online questionnaires should not take more than three hours in total for all three time points.

What risks are associated with this study?

Questionnaires/Interview: Some of the questions are sensitive in nature. It may be difficult, uncomfortable, or boring to answer questions about your health history and wellbeing. You may skip any questions that cause you discomfort or that you do not wish to answer.

Loss of Confidentiality: There is risk of loss of confidentiality from collecting your data online. Care will be taken to minimize this risk and information collected will be stored at the University of California, San Diego using only a subject identifier and not your name.

If you are eligible to participate you may like or dislike the questionnaires that are assigned. For instance, you may find it uncomfortable or psychologically distressing to engage in the activities during the program that may affect your perception or mood, thus making it potentially uncomfortable to answer some questions that are being asked of you. Because this is a research study, there may be some unknown risks that are currently unforeseeable. You will be informed of any significant new findings.

What are the alternatives to participating in this study?

The alternatives to participation in the Questionnaire research study, are to participate in the Chopra Center program you’ve registered for without participating in the research study.

What benefits can be reasonably expected?

There may or may not be any direct benefit to you from these procedures. The investigator(s), however, may learn more about the psychological health effects of participating in the varying programs and courses at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Personal results will not be offered for this study, however, aggregate results of those who have participated in the Online Questionnaire Study will be published at a future date (TBD) in a scientific journal. These findings will be announced to individuals who have participated in the Online Questionnaire Study. In other words, participants and others will get final data in the form of a publication but not individual results. Any and all data will be presented anonymously in the published article and stored in a confidential database.

Can you choose to not participate or withdraw from the study without penalty or loss of benefits?

Participation in research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled. If you decide that you no longer wish to continue in this study, you will be requested to contact the study coordinator, so that we may conduct a brief interview with you. This is to determine why you are no longer interested in participating.

You will be told if any important new information is found during the course of this study that may affect your wanting to continue.

Can you be withdrawn from the study without your consent?

You may be withdrawn from the study if Dr. Sheila Patel believes it is in your best medical interest. You may also be withdrawn from the study if you do not follow the instructions given to you by the study personnel.

Will you be compensated for participating in this study?

You will not receive any payment for your participation in this study.

Are there any costs associated with participating in this study?

No, there is no direct cost to participate in this study. However, to attend a Chopra Center program there is an enrollment fee. Depending on the program you select, the price of the enrollment fee may vary. The only cost associated with the Online Questionnaire study is the time commitment involved, in addition to any costs associated with travel expenses to and stay at the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, CA (and potentially other locations depending upon the program you select).

What about confidentiality?

Research records will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law. A research file will be created containing data collected during these research procedures, and will be separated from all identifying information (such as your name and contact information). A participant ID will be used to manage all participant information, rather than your name or other identifying information. There is a potential loss of privacy due to participation in this project.

Who can you call if you have questions?

You can call the Chopra Foundation Research Team at (760) 494-1663 or send an email with the subject Line: Questionnaire-Study Description to