The “Occupy” Movement: Turning Anger Into Awareness

If you haven’t found yourself caught up in the Occupy movement yet, the best place is in the thick of the action. I went down to Wall Street one night to see for myself. Like many people, if not all, the outcome of the financial crash still rankled. No one can watch the TV coverage of the Occupy America sit-ins and marches without sharing in some kind of frustration and anger. (more…)

Daily Inspiration

At all times your world is a projection of yourself. Expansion of self to universal awareness is enlightenment. -Deepak Chopra

What To Do

I have seen many videos of you on youtube. I feel like getting in touch with myself, but every day something comes across and destroys all my efforts. Could you please tell me what to do because I really want to became a better person and get all the benefits…