Ending Diets that Don’t Work: How People Actually Lose Weight

Our bodies are designed to remain in balance, and when they go out of balance, a natural mechanism has been interfered with. Usually this occurs through decisions that we make that turn into habits. Decisions are conscious and can be reversed. Habits are unconscious and are considerably harder to reverse. Even so, the more awareness you can bring to any health issue, the better your chances of reaching a solution.

This is certainly true of a problem that nags at the majority of Americans, their weight. No one can claim that weight loss isn’t a struggle. “But I’m on a diet” is the cry of countless people. These are not the same as countless thin people. Yet we can start to end the struggle by looking soberly at the part being played by conscious choices. (more…)

Daily Inspiration

When you trust, there is no need for hidden hostility and suspicion–the two great enemies of peace. -Deepak Chopra


I am a 60 year old mother of an only child, a girl now 32, a medical practitioner, with sufficient achievements in life, yet deeply unhappy. I am not sure anther being born in the East, being raised in West was the root cause, I am desperately searching a way to help her find herself, but do not know how. Please give me some guidance.

Finding Strength

My husband has cheated on me during our entire relationship and is in love with this girl and was in love with her before me. I have always known this and have forced him to stay and be with me even though I know he loves someone else. He was forced into marrying me and it has been a disaster but I was desperate because I couldn´t find love and now I am too scared to be alone but I am in a dead marriage that never really existed. How can I find the strength to leave and find someone who will love me?

Daily Inspiration

Real change is accompanied by new insight. Insight is an impulse of love dissolving some old imprint. -Deepak Chopra