Daily Inspiration
The most effective way to transform into higher consciousness is to pay attention in the present moment. -Deepak Chopra
I have been aware of my quick temper and intense reaction to things for years. I have made a more conscious effort to not react as quickly or intensely to those around me and their news, but not with much success. There is no doubt of genetic involvement in my case, but wonder what else I need to work on or do to control my inappropriate reactions to things.
Night Shift Sleep
I definitely understand the importance of sleep, especially in between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am as you have prescribed. However, my current job requires me to wake up at 3 am and work until noon. I feel that my health is faltering greatly, though I am attempting to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, eat well, and get exercise. I feel that it is negatively affecting my moods and memory as well as my physical well-being. I can’t change the hours I work at this point – what can I do within this situation to work towards optimum health?
Podcast: Journey to Love
Journey to Love
This is the first podcast of a seven part series called Journey to Love.