Love and Sorrow

I am currently listening to your audio book “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire” and am about half way through and I’ve got to say I love what Im getting from it. Here is my question. In it you say that the non local intelligence is Love and only Love, and to live from the level of non local you need to let your life flow from Love. My question is, is the emotion of sorrow not the local intelligence and just something produced by the ego. I really look forward to hearing your advice.

Daily Inspiration

The most powerful way to manifest is through subtle intention and choiceless awareness—intend to let go and flow. -Deepak Chopra

What’s True, and Not, About Stress (Part 2)

In the first post I began to talk about the spiritual side of stress. That’s such an unusual approach that it might be good to review stress more conventionally first. Stress is made more complicated because mind and body are involved. The so-called stress response is a temporary event with physical markers such as a rise in certain hormones. Once the event is over that caused the response, the stress isn’t gone, however. Soldiers come home from battle with post-traumatic stress disorder, for example, a lingering memory bringing back their stress even more powerfully and repeatedly than when it was first felt. Closer to home, sitting in a traffic snarl while commuting to and from work can create a low-level kind of stress that is constant and nagging. (more…)