
Will my spirit forsake me? My inspiration has diminished greatly over the years, and I do not believe I’m living up to my true potential. Thanks and love!

Serving Others

I have recently returned from Kandahar, Afghanistan. I was fortunate enough to be chosen to “serve those who serve” as a civilian in a 6 month contract position. I found myself working in an environment that was stressful, had extremely long hours and no days off. If you had told me prior to my departure that I would flourish in such a venue, I definitely would have argued. The truth is I have never been more content. I was eager to work 7 days a week, volunteered outside of work hours, and smiled continuously. I now find myself at home in my comfortable abode, yet so desperately unable to adjust. I miss everyone and everything about the former experience and although I am thrilled to be amongst my family, I have a huge void in which I cannot seem to fill. I find the trials and tribulations of society mundane and annoying. I no longer even enjoy the company of former friends.  Is this all just yet another adjustment period? I thought I would return so complete having served in such a manner. Are my reactions and emotions normal in this situation? I have been home for 2 months now yet wish to return to my old surroundings (which were not that comfortable or safe). I cannot seem to stay “present”. I value your opinion and if you can shed any light on my situation I would greatly appreciate it

Daily Inspiration

Insight is the ability to see beyond the known. It occurs when meaning and context have been integrated and comes from a place of non-judgment. -Deepak Chopra