
I am a bit concerned about the effects of kundalini rising. I know very little about kundalini, yet self-knowledge has brought about a recent, radical fundamental shift in my consciousness accompanied with some physical discomfort. I’ve noticed a stiffness in the neck, back aches, and crawling skin particularly in the back, head and hands. Is this normal and are there any dangers? My own research has turned up little and I don’t have much confidence in those sources.


Trust… I can’t find it, even with God. I get so far and then doubt whispers in my ear and before you know it I pull back. Where do I begin?

The American Melting Pot – Atheists Keep Out?

It’s startling to read the poll results about how much Americans distrust atheists. The reasons aren’t obscure, but let’s consider the numbers first. An ABC News survey asked more than 2,000 people if they would disapprove of a child who wanted to marry an atheist. Almost half (47.6 percent) said yes. The move toward inclusiveness has been more successful with every other group that this question was posed about. Comparatively, a third of respondents would disapprove of their child marrying a Muslim and just over 27 percent an African-American. (more…)

Our Purpose

A reverend at my church stated “Our purpose is to discover our purpose.” How do we discover our purpose? Does anyone ever know what it is in this lifetime?

Meditation and Anger

I have been meditating for quite a while using Primordial Sound Meditation, although not as regularly as I want to. One of my desires is to get rid of anger in myself which I have noticed in myself lately and people close to me have noticed too. It seems the day I meditate I tend to get more angry. I am wondering whether I should continue meditation or change my mantra. However, on the flip side I feel meditation has helped me in other things.