Could you please talk about logic and spontaneous right action?
Daily Inspiration
When you become defensive, blame others, and do not accept and surrender to the moment, your life meets resistance. -Deepak Chopra
Living in the Past
I suffered some very deep emotional pain many years ago. My healing lasted for 11 years, now I feel it is time to move on and live in the now. I don’t feel the pain anymore, but some people seem to believe that I am in denial of my pain. What is the point of continuing to feel the pain of the past? What is going on when others feel that I am not happy, but I am in denial?
Daily Inspiration
All fear is ultimately the fear of mortality in disguise –-the fear of change. -Deepak Chopra
God and the Gap
When we plant an intention in the gap, what part do we play and what part does God play in bringing about its manifestation?