I often have some grumpy people to deal with. Is there a way to sweeten and cheer them up or should I just let them be as they are and pray for them? Are they just there to show me my own grumpiness?
I often have some grumpy people to deal with. Is there a way to sweeten and cheer them up or should I just let them be as they are and pray for them? Are they just there to show me my own grumpiness?
A recent post from me entitled “Sarah Palin, My President” led to a frantic call from my lawyer, who prefers to remain anonymous where blatant acts of humor are involved. If a man can shudder over the telephone, he was shuddering. “How can you do this?” he wailed. “You made fun of a Republican! They are the most American of Americans. Just ask them.” (more…)
How can one prevent unwanted thoughts from springing in the mind automatically?
Question:How can you identify intuition from wishful thinking (hope) or fear? And what is the relationship between intuition, synchronicity and manifesting your desire in the presence of obstacles coming up? I loved your book How to Know God!