I was one of many readers intrigued by a recent Op-Ed piece in the New York Times about finding out who we really are. Under the title, “In Search of the True Self,” the piece was by an associate professor at Yale, Joshua Knobe, who attempts something very ambitious. He wants to solve the dilemma that humans are divided between our civilized and our animal nature. The question is far from abstract. Sexual drives have brought down governors and congressmen; violence in the form of terrorism obsesses us; and thousands of deaths by gunshot every year are part of the background of American life. So much for the animal side. On the civilized side we have philosophers pushing the value of reason over passion, the doctrine of “know thyself,” and Freud’s argument that civilization cannot exist without paying the price of suppressed unconscious drives, most particularly sex and violence. (more…)
Deepak Chopra’s Buddha Guide By Vook
In ten powerful videos, Deepak offers his remarkable insights on the inspiring life of one of the world’s most important figures – the Buddha. (more…)
Can the non-local domain within be assailed and disrupted from without by anything other than projected aspects of one’s own awareness?
Sages and Scientists
In this Vook, Deepak Chopra and other great thinkers discuss the intersection of technology and spirituality, being and becoming, and the search for a reality that embraces science and wisdom. Deepak and the Chopra Foundation have brought together some of the sharpest minds in modern science, philosophy and religion to find a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds. The fantastic success of modern (more…)
Daily Inspiration
Love also known as compassion, stems from a sense of universal being and the experiential understanding that all suffering is connected – Deepak Chopra