What role does grace play in relation to karma? If I hurt someone and genuinely seek forgiveness am I released from the consequence of hurting that person? Does grace cancel the reaction of the action?
Chopra Foundation Symposium
Free Meditation
Join Sokenbicha and Mallika Chopra, founder of Intent.com and daughter of Deepak Chopra, in a unique experience designed to help you find serenity in your daily life. (more…)
Daily Inspiration
Be sure you aren’t influenced too much by stress, emotion, or the heat of the moment. Be above the drama of the situation. -Deepak Chopra
Progress and Depression
After struggling with trying to make a positive transformation in my life for about a year, I’ve noticed that not much has stuck permanently. I find it hard to wake up each morning and remember what positivity I felt the night before. Many people characterize this as depression, and after recently browsing over the symptoms I think I’m suffering from a major bout of it. My question is how does one achieve lasting change when suffering from depression, which makes each and every day feel hopeless and scary. I’m trying to feel at peace with this situation, but in reality I feel like I’m suffocating each day. Please help if you can.