Manifesting Desires and Fantasies

I am battling to fully understand the difference between my true nature desires and fantasy.
If nature wants us to have all abundance and wishes to fill each of our desires, how does the fantasy nature of a desire separate it from this state?
For me fantasy is a desire removed of all limits and boundaries, a wish that envisages no fear. So then why would this fantasy not be deserving of manifestation?
I am confused as to the limit of which needs and desires are attainable and which are not?

I would greatly appreciate your insight to help me better understand the topic.

Why it’s better to have a mind than a brain (part 2)

Last week I proposed that we need to look to the mind instead of the brain as the answer to many things. One example was depression. In the wake of new research showing that antidepressants don’t work, and that the brains of depressed patients don’t seem genetically different from those of undepressed people, we have an opening to look at the mind with fresh eyes.

Healing Others Through Your Own Healing

If everything is one, and if other people in my surroundings are myself in a projected form (or we all are projected forms of the same consciousness), does that mean that if I heal what I call myself, I also help others heal (since what I call myself is a projected part of a common consciousness?
What I mean is not healing of others only because we´re nicer and easier as persons on an outer level when we heal, but on an inner level. That if I heal a part of my soul, also the persons in my world heals since our souls are connected?

Daily Inspiration

I approach life with full awareness. When I am attentive and open to life, I allow for new understanding in every moment. -Deepak Chopra

Daily Inspiration

Growth is the willingness to let reality be new every moment. -Deepak Chopra