Love | HOLY FACTS Season Two

Description: In this episode Gotham explores the stranger side of love and romance.* From cupid to love spells, humans have invented countless ways to illustrate love, attain love, recover from love, and more. We even developed a yearly love celebration – Valentine’s Day – which we celebrate with chocolate and roses, despite its bloody origins,! Have you ever been in love? Tell us about it in the comments section!

HOLY FACTS is an irreverent and light-hearted look at strange, phenomenal, and unbelievable stories in the world of religion and spirituality, hosted by Gotham Chopra.


THE CHOPRA WELL is a new Youtube channel created to encourage people to live healthier, fuller lives and to be more aware. Deepak, Mallika and Gotham Chopra, as well as many other friends and experts, join together in this inspiring project for personal and global transformation. The channel features daily shows about wellness, healthy living, spirituality, humor, and much more. Please show your support and subscribe to our channel! (its free):

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