Join Mallika Chopra as she discusses her new book, Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy on April 7th at
a conversation with
Mallika Chopra & Gabrielle Bernstein
Just because you’re the daughter of famous healer Deepak Chopra doesn’t mean you are immune to the chaos, exhaustion, and hamster-like running around that so many of us experience each and every day. But it does mean that when you realize you need help, you can access a world of wisdom. LIVING WITH INTENT: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy is a practical yet deeply personal look at Mallika Chopra’s year-long journey to discover some workable answers to feeling overwhelmed.
6:30p doors open; 7p program
deepak homebase, on the mezz of abc home
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