Description: Big names, big causes, big wallets. Today’s modern philanthropic movement has reached epic heights, ushering in scaleable solutions to modern day social ills and unleashing untold amounts of money into what is now being called the third sector. And with this growing emphasis on creating change for profit concepts such as return on investment, indicators of success, and business viability are making their way into the quest to transform people’s lives. While this approach has gained some traction, some are beginning to question its validly in the field of humanitarianism and justice. Do the benchmarks in the for-profit world where cash is king translate to the non-profit world where humanity is the destination and the journey. Is there still a role for humanity in this new modern philanthropic movement? What does the future of social change look like with it and what might it look like if humanity is removed from the equation?
Speaker: Kathy LeMay is the founder, president, and CEO of Raising Change, which helps organizations raise capital to advance social change agendas and individuals create Generosity Plans to help change the world.
@kathylemay @RaisingChange…