The Soul of Leadership

Growing Conscious Leaders
Unlocking Your Potential For Greatness
The Soul of Leadership programs draw on the conscious leadership insights of author, physician, and global thought leader Deepak Chopra, MD —which have been taught at the Kellogg School of Management, Columbia University, and hundreds of leaders worldwide. Deepak has designed the Soul of Leadership program to unlock the Conscious Leadership potential in individuals, teams, and whole organizations and to connect each leader to their Greatness Potential, their personal Leadership Talents, and their capacity to expand happiness, meaning, and greatness in their teams.
The course will employ the leadership teachings of Deepak Chopra to nurture and grow Conscious Leadership capabilities. Participants won’t just leave with a new set of leadership tools —they will gain a dramatic increase in their self-awareness and ability to lead consciously, as well as the capability to increase the happiness, effectiveness, and greatness of their teams and organization.
The program consists of clear, practical steps leading you through critical skills outlined in the acronym L-E-A-D-E-R-S:
L : Look and Listen
E : Emotional Bonding
A : Awareness
D : Doing
E : Empowerment
R : Responsibility
S : Synchronicity
After identifying your soul profile and the core value you want to develop, you can use these seven skills to allow your potential for greatness to emerge. Only from the soul profile are great leaders created. Once the connection is made, you have unlimited access to the most vital qualities a leader can possess: creativity, intelligence, organizing power, and love.
- Improve core analytical skills required for approaching business challenges holistically and making better executive decisions.
- Develop greater awareness of your leadership style and how others perceive it.
- Enhance your understanding of the critical interface between execution issues and the organization’s internal and external strategic challenges.
- Understand relevant psychological principles needed to create high-performance teams and increase employee motivation.
- Hone interpersonal skills to increase your impact within and outside of your organization.