By Deepak Chopra and Annie Bond
Gifts of Unpredictability
Despite the fact that your ego hates unpredictability, the truth is that you have benefited from it again and again. Think for a moment about the unexpected opportunities that have come your way, offers of help you never anticipated, sudden brainstorms and inspirations, impulsive decisions to move or talk to a stranger that opened new horizons. This is the natural way to live. “Your life is already organized within itself,” Merlin said. “Life flows from life, the bud unfolds into the flower, the child ripens into the adult. Trust in each stage, celebrate it, and allow the next one to come to you effortlessly.”
Adapted from The Way of the Wizard, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 1995).
Gifts of New Experiences
It wasn’t until recently that I fully understood the astonishing range of benefits provided by natural fibers. I first got a clue about their range of benefits when a friend unexpectedly gave me an organic wool comforter that she no longer needed. I already slept on an organic wool mattress, but I had been sleeping under a cotton-covered comforter with polyester fill—a choice made solely for financial reasons. Waking up the first morning after being completely cocooned in organic wool for 8 hours or so, it took a few minutes to confirm that it was me feeling so completely relaxed, at peace, and full rested. My body felt completely serene, and I was cozy to my bone marrow.
Adapted from Home Enlightenment, by Annie B. Bond (Rodale, 2005).