Peace is a Lifestyle

One of Deepak’s favorite things to do —  spending time with Peace Is a Lifestyle!

New York - Peace is a Lifestyle New York - Peaceisalifestyle2

Killings in Libya and Role of Social Networks



Description: Today’s shooting of American diplomats in Libya was due in part to the popularization of videos shared on social networks and which stirred strong emotions in many circles. What was the role of social networks in this and other recent incidents?* Deepak Chopra examines how social networks and social networking can be used to promote positive or negative social action. Is social media inherently divine or diabolical?

Daily Inspiration

Those around your will know that you are for peace, not just through good intentions but by the way you conduct your life on a daily basis.

Gotham Chopra Says I Will for 9/11 Day



Description: Gotham Chopra remembers September 11, 2001 and explains what he will do on this year’s anniversary.

9/11 – I take the Vow



Description: Deepak Chopra remembers September 11, 2001 and explains what he will do on this year’s anniversary.  Together we can help to create a peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world.