About the Chopra Foundation


The Chopra Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization (#36-4793898) dedicated to improving health and well-being, cultivating spiritual knowledge, expanding consciousness, and promoting world peace to all members of the human family.

The mission of the Chopra Foundation is to advance the cause of mind/body spiritual healing, education, and research through fundraising for selected projects.

We offer teaching and resources for health and spirituality for disadvantaged individuals and communities, specifically through our concrete commitments to:

  1. At-risk children, introducing them to music and art for empowerment, meditation and mind body practices.
  2. Low-income women and teenagers, offering them comprehensive pre-natal support to help bring their babies safely to full term and birth weight.
  3. Prisoners, teaching them meditation for awareness and peace.
  4. Educating healers, about the powerful resources of Ayurveda, mind-body practices and spirituality, through giving scholarships to selected healers to attend specific programs.
  5. Initiating scientific research into mind-body practices to support our educational work and further understanding.

Starting at the very first moments in life, to seeing individuals and communities in the world at peace with themselves and their neighbors while living fully each moment of existence.

Our lives are inextricably linked. We belong to one another. We hope that our dream will resonate with yours and you will join us in our commitment to global health, awareness, love, and peace,