First of all, I am sorry my English is no so good but I hope you will understand me.
I am 25 years old, a few month ago, I made a therapy with regression and during one session appeared a voice so sweet , that I called the Source and starts to give me advices and answer my questions about life, It was a very strong and a so beautiful energy.
Since then, this voice speaks to me every morning and every night, o when I close my eyes, meditates and relaxes me…she guided me…and send me a very strong and beautiful energy. Sometimes, she speaks to me for others, most of the time it is for the few people that I have talked that i was in contact with the source;
I wrote to you…because I know…the source tells me that I haven’t to doubt, that my mission is the co creation, that I will received abundance material and spiritual, to can dedicate me to the source, listen and transmit…
I don’t know if it is because of my young age..or just because I am afraid of inventing it all….
But I think that for the moment..I am like looking to share this experience…