Spiritual Solutions #29: Achieving Pleasure and Goals of Life

Spiritual Solutions #29: Achieving Pleasure and Goals of Life
By Deepak Chopra and Annie B. Bond

Pleasure and the Goals of Life
Human beings, whose lifetime is allotted at one hundred years, should pursue three goals in life: virtue (Dharma), material success (Artha) and desire or pleasure (Kama) each in its own way and its own time, but in harmony so that they do not clash with one another. Childhood should be devoted to religious education: youth and middle age to Artha and Kama; old age to Dharma. In this way one seeks to gain final liberation, or Moksha, to end the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Adapted from Kama Sutra, by Deepak Chopra (Virgin Books, 2006).


Conference: merging science and ‘soul?’

Can science answer questions about God? Does evolution have a built-in direction? Is the universe a conscious entity?
And are we heading toward a merger of science and metaphysics, the realm of “souls?”

Can science answer questions about God? Does evolution have a built-in direction? Is the universe a conscious entity?
And are we heading toward a merger of science and metaphysics, the realm of “souls?”

Scientists and “sages” — including futurists and spiritual leaders — gather in Carlsbad this weekend to ponder such weighty questions at a conference sponsored by alternative medicine author Deepak Chopra. (more…)