What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual

Since beginning to post, here and elsewhere, I’ve received feedback that focuses on the same issue: How can it be spiritual to engage in rough-and-tumble topics like politics, world affairs, international disputes, and so on? There’s a range of emotions behind this implied criticism, sometimes bewildered, sometimes stingily harsh. Usually I hold my tongue, because there are enough spiritual posts, in the conventional sense, to counterbalance the others. Yet that doesn’t seem to be enough. (more…)

Daily Inspiration

The more you give, the more you will receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. -Deepak Chopra


Deepak, asking you anything is an act of self-doubt.  Still I ask: how do I trust? How do I believe once and for all?

Daily Inspiration

Inspiration is that state in which mind and heart are connected. -Deepak Chopra