Woo Woo is a Step Ahead of (Bad) Science

It used to annoy me to be called the king of woo woo. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, “woo woo” is a derogatory reference to almost any form of unconventional thinking, aimed by professional skeptics who are self-appointed vigilantes dedicated to the suppression of curiosity. I get labeled much worse things as regularly as clockwork whenever I disagree with big fry like Richard Dawkins or smaller fry like Michael Shermer, the Scientific American columnist and editor of Skeptic magazine. The latest barrage of name-calling occurred after the two of us had a spirited exchange on Larry King Live last week. . Maybe you saw it. I was the one rolling my eyes as Shermer spoke. Sorry about that, a spontaneous reflex of the involuntary nervous system. (more…)

San Francisco Chronicle: Is this about health care or spiritual care?

By the time this post appears, the Senate will probably have agreed on some kind of health care bill. I wanted to assess the hidden side of the bill, whatever emerges. It took five months for Congress to grind its way to a conclusion on this issue, and along the way we got to see an ugly side of the democratic process. (more…)

The Continuum of Life and Death

You say we are on a life/death continuum and that our death is simply the continuum of our life not the opposite of it.  The opposite of Death is Birth……..and death should not be feared. Why then does everyone try to stay alive?  I would guess that we don’t want to hurt the people who love us by leaving them but if death is just a continuation, then why do we try so hard to stay alive?  Why do we spend countless amounts of money and train health professionals to prolong our worldly life?

Where to start, where to go?

I am 31 years old, I have three kids and going thru a divorce.  I have been in a process of deep learning and understanding our world for the past four years.  It was not until it all came down and my life felt shattered that I encountered my purpose. For a couple of years now I had the pleasure of reading many of your books and I am intrigued with the mind body connection.  I want to remind people of who we really are and how our emotions and thoughts are really what make our bodies into what they are.  I am at the beginning of my path while awake.  I don’t know how to start.  Where to go?  I have no idea and feel confused.  Would you kindly offer some suggestions?  Thank you kindly.

Just Listen? Your Body is Speaking to You

If I could pick one ally in the pursuit of happiness, I would pick the body, and that means everyone’s body, not just the beautiful, young, fit ones. I know how millions of people feel about their bodies.  America is getting to be an obese nation, reaching down into childhood. A bad body image is the chief source of shame and disappointment for many women in particular. Published in Oprah.com