Kids living with Intent

Published on Huffington Post by Mallika Chopra

Photo borrowed from Kid Unity

As the next generation of voters, it’s important that we study the candidates, issues and process.

Our classroom is on the front lines.” -Carlthorp Student

Students at the Forefront of the Iowa Caucus – read now

Kid Unity’s intent is to teach kids about activism, community participation and how to use your voice to make change. What an incredible opportunity for these kids, learning now how to live with intent by truly taking action and participating in this incredible process.



Mediation and the Spiritual Life of Children

By Deepak Chopra, MD

When they become parents, many people wonder how to impart spiritual values to their children. The traditional model of sending them to Sunday school is one alternative; another is to draw the entire family into the personal spirituality of the parents, as more people turn away from organized religion to carve their own path. Children grow up to reflect how they are raised, which makes this an important issue.


Meditation and the Spiritual Life of Children

By Deepak Chopra, MD

When they become parents, many people wonder how to impart spiritual values to their children. The traditional model of sending them to Sunday school is one alternative; another is to draw the entire family into the personal spirituality of the parents, as more people turn away from organized religion to carve their own path. Children grow up to reflect how they are raised, which makes this an important issue.


Sonima’s Wisdom and Me

By Deepak Chopra, MD
The cutting-edge programs of the Sonima Foundation are based on an ancient wisdom principle. True wisdom occurs spontaneously, and in this case, I remember the story of how one child discovered it very early.  Alfred Stieglitz, who became one of the greatest photographers of the twentieScreen Shot 2014-10-03 at 1.48.38 PMth century, grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey. His father had fought for three years in the Union army before buying himself out so that he could be home to see his first child grow up.
One winter the boy was seen slipping out the back door, which at first seemed only a bit odd. It was the dead of winter and freezing cold. But when he kept doing it, his parents investigated. It turned out that Alfred was slipping money to a bedraggled vagrant without telling anyone.
The family wasn’t rich, and his father rebuked him. “Why are you giving your money to a stranger?”
“Don’t you see?” Alfred replied. “I’m doing it for myself.”
The same wisdom principle, that in helping others we help ourselves, could change the world. That’s why I feel so dedicated to the Sonima foundation, because they have taken an idea close to my heart—the wellbeing of children—and expanded it. Through a groundbreaking health and wellness program, the foundation is creating the leaders of the future who will be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.
