A Path to Personal Forgiveness: Defeat the Three Dragons

Originally published on LinkedIn on September 21, 2015

A Path to Personal Forgiveness: Defeat the Three Dragons

by Deepak Chopra, MD


This post is part a series in which Influencers and members discuss how to drive change that matters. Read all the posts here and write your own; include the hashtags #2030NOW and #ForgiveForPeace in the body of your post.

All of us, I feel fairly certain, believe that forgiveness is a positive quality. But the fact that religion has been the traditional basis for finding forgiveness has made it seem quite often that there’s something saintly, or at the very least unusually gentle, compassionate, and selfless in those who can forgive. Since the current project is to create a wave of forgiveness with a global reach, I think forgiveness needs to be brought down to earth.

To begin with, forgiveness comes at the end of a process, not at the beginning. In order to forgive yourself or another person, three obstacles must be overcome. Let’s call them the three dragons of judgment, anger, and blame. Each has had powerful effects in everyone’s life. Millions of people feel justified in clinging to their own dragons, and it takes conviction to realize that nothing about judgment, anger, and blame actually serves anyone’s self-interest.

Child Actor releases 7 De Septiembre

Congratulations to our Sages and Scientists Art and Culture Alumnus, Child Actor, and the debut of

their new song, “7 De Septiembre”, dedicated to those seeking peace and freedom.

For Child Actor, “7 De Septiembre”—a cover of the 1991 single by Spanish electro-pop band Mecano—is as personal as anything in their own original discography. Marking the first time that Venezuelan vocalist Natalie Plaza has contributed vocals in her native Spanish to the project, it is a time capsule of longing and nostalgia released at a moment when her home country is in the throes of a prolonged economic and social crisis.

Keeping the tender melodicism and emotive dynamic range of the original intact, the duo seeks the sublime in the song’s startling contrast between sacred, hushed beauty and ‘90s synth-pop catharsis. As reverent as their approach may be, Child Actor’s signature is unmistakable as producer Max Heath sets Plaza’s alternately jubilant and whisper- quiet harmonies against an enigmatic foundation of swooping disembodied vocal samples.

Child Actor says: “This song is dedicated to Natalie’s friends and family in Venezuela and a generation that is being forced to substitute struggle for ambition.”

“7 De Septiembre” follows acclaimed 2014 LP Never Die and arrives as Plaza and Heath are in the midst of recording their next project under the working title Emberland.

And even though the tale came to an end there

something still alive in this love.

And, blow as hard as we may

There are flames that not even the sea (can quench).

September the 7th

is our aniversary,

and we don ́t know whether to kiss each other

on the cheek or the lips

Spanish Translation

Y aunque la historia se acabó

hay algo vivo en ese amor

que aunque empeñados en soplar

hay llamas que ni con el mar.

El siete de septiembre

es nuestro aniversario.

y no sabremos si besamos

en la cara o en los labios


www.childactor.net | www.facebook.com/childactor | www.twitter.com/chldactr | www.soundcloud.com/chldactr


How to Be at Peace When the World Isn’t

By Deepak Chopra, MD

Peace Harmony love

We seem to be living out the Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.” The curse is probably mythical, but our interesting times contain much turbulence. The horrific refugee situation in Syria, the rise of the even more horrific ISIS movement, not to mention Ukraine and news of natural disasters that never ends–from media reports you might think the humanity is unraveling and the planet with it.


But in the face of chaos, some facts remain constant and stable:


To advance the cause of peace, you must be at peace.

The wars around the world reflect a war in human nature.

No dispute is ever settled unless both sides achieve a level of mutual satisfaction.


When politics comes down to rigidly opposing views, such as one side wanting armed intervention in the Middle East while the other side wants to stay out, all of these facts are being ignored. That’s why the Iraq War ended in chaos, because the issues were never resolved so that all sides achieved mutual satisfaction, and why grudges that simmered for centuries suddenly erupt today.
