I just watched your video on the Wizard that we all carry within us. Throughout the film I felt very connected to what was you said. I have had many coincidences happen in my life. Lately there seem to be more and more. And yet I find myself maybe at the saddest point in my life. I am more aware of life’s
potential, of my potential. And in so, I am much harder on myself for not being where I feel I should be, spiritually, physically and consciously. When most aware I find myself in a place between self compassion and self rejection. My heart is full of love, and at the same time I cannot overcome my current state. As I see life unravelling itself in front of me, I am overwhelmed by it. Overwhelmed by how far I have drifted from my origin, from the state which I am searching to reach. We come from a Universal place. And yet I am devastated to see how close I am and at the same time how far I seem to be from it. I am not sure if I have found my calling, as I am a creative person, yet I feel I am a burden upon life, more than a service. I guess my question would be, where do I find the courage to transcend the stage I am in? How do we unlock the gates of our hearts?