Attention in the Present

I have read your book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and most of the Laws seem quite straightforward to me, except the law of intention and desire. I do not understand how to apply it. Especially when it comes to putting your attention in the present moment. I try to do that but my mind slips away in mere minutes. Also, when that happens, I try harder to keep my mind in the present moment but in the end it becomes a struggle and I end up tired. What exactly is having present moment awareness and how to achieve it? Are there any practices that can help me achieve it? Please advice. Thank you very much!

Meditation and Finding Work

My daily meditation practice is introducing me to a new awareness of who I am ,Will this lead me to find work that is more in alignment with my true nature? I have been a mason contractor for most of my life and have always had extreme ups and downs and would like to experience more freedom for myself and my family .I love and admire the work that you are doing in the world and was so moved by how you react to adverse media . Thank you for being the example we need in the word.

Healing Abuse

I left my family at the age of 17, due to physical, emotional abuse and neglect I suffered from my mother and father. I later tried to re-connect with my mother and father at the age of 23, however the abuse and neglect continued during our re-connection and I left the family unit again.
I spent the ages of 23 – 28 trying to re-build myself emotionally, but I have always felt this deep loneliness and pain and I have never been able to be truly happy. I always carry a feeling of abandonment and fear with me. Fear of love, commitment, death. My father left when I was 4 and returned periodically throughout my childhood. My mother was physically and emotionally very abusive and I often feared her. I was unable to be myself around my family and they used tradition (we are of East Indian descent) as a means to justify their behaviors (more so my mother than father). My father was unable to stand up to my mother emotionally and mentally, as a result, my father often looked to me as a source of stability when I needed him the most as a child. Using me as a means to stand up to my mother.
I recently found out that my mother died in January of this year and my family notified me 6 months after her death. I have re-connected with my father in the hopes of making peace, but I cannot escape this fear of death and this weight of being responsible for my father, as he is mourning and I can tell he is sad. I still have some anger towards him, but I know I can look past it, but I feel I am looking past it so I can take care of him / mother him, as I did as I child. As a result, I have been very sad and unable to see the joys in my life, at 29 years of age. I am trying to look at family, death and life without fear and worry and but it’s proving to be very hard. I instead hold this aching loneliness and fear.
Can you shed some light?

Emotional Hunger

I read some of your answers to others about overeating and emotional hunger. I am on the right path in terms of understanding that my signals are off. That I feed my body when it doesn’t need food, but I can’t figure out what it really needs besides love and how to love myself in the way my body needs me to. I do feel a disconnect somewhere inside of me. Sometimes I eat and Im like, ugh! why did I eat that? But I can’t fill seem to fill the void or uncover what I really need or how to go about finding out. When I ask the question what do I want my inner response is usually love. But how do I love myself? Where do I begin? I feel stuck. 🙁


How do I know what is my Dharma?