Tish James, Eddie Stern, Lemon Andersen, Spike Lee, Christina Greer, Oresa Napper-Williams, Deepak, Erica Ford, Nya-Ari khepra together at the Town Hall Meeting on Gun Violence and Solutions today – Fordham University.
Tish James, Eddie Stern, Lemon Andersen, Spike Lee, Christina Greer, Oresa Napper-Williams, Deepak, Erica Ford, Nya-Ari khepra together at the Town Hall Meeting on Gun Violence and Solutions today – Fordham University.
By Deepak Chopra, MD
ISIS and its atrocious acts have thrown the issue of evil into high relief. Once more we are forced to confront a horrifying aspect of human nature and to ask ourselves what can be done about it. This post isn’t about U.S. policy against ISIS–that’s the business of the President, his advisers, the military, and Congress. But evil itself deserves better, clearer thinking than what it generally gets. If better thinking leads to better policy, all the more reason to find it.
Recorded history contains no time when human evil didn’t exist, although only very recently has it been called a problem. Traditionally, evil was looked upon as something much worse than a problem–the fruit of sin, the work of cosmic satanic forces, a divine punishment, or an animalistic instinct. It has taken thousands of years to get past such thinking, and when atrocities arouse public fear and hatred, the old explanations return. But on the other hand, it has become possible to think of evil in terms of psychology and its insights, which is a mark of progress.
Deepak Chopra speaks on how we should not live in fear of terrorism. http://on.msnbc.com/1SQj2Cz
Deepak and the Urban Yogis at Peace Week
Seven Practices of Peace (taken from Peace is the Way, by Deepak Chopra)
Today take five minutes to meditate for peace. Put your attention on your heart and inwardly repeat these four words: Peace, Harmony, Laughter, Love☺
Today introduce the Intention of peace in your thoughts. Take a few moments of silence, then repeat this prayer: LET ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY, LOVED & PEACEFUL. LET THE WHOLE WORLD EXPERIENCE THESE THINGS.
Today is the day to experience the emotions of peace. The emotions of peace are COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING and LOVE☺