Law of attraction and physical healing

Many self help books suggest not to pay attention to unwanted things as the law of attraction states, the universe will bring exactly those into life. So how is it that when I’m meditating, it helps to get relief from discomfort and pain by rather focusing my attention to the body parts that is hurting? I don’t necessarily picture myself feeling better or pretend to feel better while I focus my energy on my ailment. My question is, if I can cure my ailment by focusing my attention to it, can I also do the same by paying attention to the unwanted things in my life and release them?

Spiritual Hierarchy

I have been studying various spiritual paths for over twenty years and have incorporated ideas, meditations and practices as my higher self has lead me, including some from your teachings. I’ve been trying to reconcile the concepts of a “spiritual hierarchy” and a path of initiation that includes various rules and codes of conduct (like in some of the works of J. Krishnamurti and Baird T. Spalding) with what I’m reading in your book “How to Know God.”  Do you embrace the concept of a spiritual hierarchy that requires initiates to follow specific rules, or do you think that in this new millennium, we are sort of getting past that and going more towards an all-inclusive approach (sans rules, requirements and tests to pass on to higher levels of initiation)?  Is there another book (of yours) that you’d recommend besides “How to Know God” that would help me out with this?  Thank you.

Painful Awakening

I have been thru a very life changing and a very painful experience. But what this event has done is made me consciously think about my soul and why these events are happening with me. After reading your work and work of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Sonia Chiqoute it has come to my realization that every situation or event happens which aids or facilitates our souls’ evolvement. And I really am feeling that. Now when I meet people and have encounters with them in my day to day life I am not judgmental at all. I look at them and listen to them as another soul and signs from the Universe and the Divine as what they are trying to tell me. My question is why is it that to come to such awareness that you are just a personality and there is a soul in you that needs to return to the divine has come with a very painful experience? Is it because of our souls past journey in previous lifetimes and the karmic decisions that the soul has taken before reincarnating on Earth.

Trying to flow

I am trying to find my footing and go with the flow.  I am very much in love with a man who came to me 2 1/2 years ago.  He’s been spending  most of the work week by me, then flies home for the end of the week and weekend.  Initially, he told me he was separated, but in a very short while I found he still lives with his wife and children when he’s there.  Having been in a bad marriage, I understand keeping things going for the children.  I also learned through my experience that you do your children no favors by living in a loveless relationship as they are modeling their future relationships on what they see at home.   This man is a good guy, racked with guilt and the weight of the world.  His wife does not work, their marriage has been a lie for many, many years and he stays with her for the teenage children.  He will not go to counseling with her as he does not in his heart want to fix it..  The level of connection this man and I feel is very deep to the point it feels like a spiritual relationship that is “meant to be”.   His Catholic upbringing fills him with guilt and confusion and thoughts of death being the only way out for him.  I’ve been kind and patient, but I want more from a committed relationship.  I feel stagnated, since he’s now living full time 400 miles away.  We communicate all day via email, etc.  The bond is always there.  I try to focus on my own spiritual growth and he is attracted by my positive outlook.  I vacillate between thinking he is the one, it is meant to be and to be patient.  The other thought process is  – what the heck am I doing?   How do I break out of this cycle?   I know I can’t control him, but I am not interested in meeting other people either.  I am so lonely and stuck.  I am trying to meditate.  I ask for road signs to guide my actions, and I am not getting anything.   My desire to be with him is overwhelming.  How is this affecting my Karma? Any advice would be helpful.

Desire or go with the flow?

Hi, my question is I know we are responsible for all we experience in life, I have my desires, my dreams, but they don’t seem to happen, at times I think well maybe I’m not doing things right, I’m not following the steps, but then I think no, things always happen the way they should be, I believe this and feel this, like my higher self knows better what I need to learn, so relax and enjoy life. Sometimes when I think about free will I get anxious because I think ok I want this to happen, so I have to do this, do that, but I feel I need to flow with life. I mean if we are all one, this oneness doesn’t it knows better than me, more than the ego me? Thanks so much for answering my question 🙂